Data4HumanRights develops together with JEI and Community Mappers training materials to professionalize the training of community data collectors. We are presently developing a set of 28 short training units.
The primary objectives of these training units are
(1) to capacitate community-based organizations with a larger and more skilled/knowledgeable group of community data collectors and mappers,
(2) to allow the collection and documentation of human rights-related data at large scale in a systematic manner, and
(3) to further develop open-source training materials for subsequent trainings.
The Data4HumanRights training program will be modularized into ½ to 1 day units to cover a range of reasonably simple, free, common tools and methods used in research and practice (e.g., slum profiling, documentation of evictions, or rapid food needs assessment during a time of crisis such as COVID-19 lockdown).